Outline of the state of Alabama

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—MS

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—MS

State law requires middle school HE curriculum.

Alabama Course of Study: Health Education Preface

The 2009 Alabama Course of Study: Health Education provides the framework for the health education program in Alabama’s public schools. Content Standard and related content included in bullets in this document are minimum and required (Code of Alabama, 1975, §16-35-4). They are fundamental and specific but not exhaustive. In developing local curriculum, school systems may include additional content Standard to reflect local philosophies and add implementation guidelines, resources, and activities; which, by design, are not contained in this document.

The 2008-2009 Health Education State Course of Study Subcommittee extensively used the National Health Education Standards: Achieving Excellence, the Alabama Course of Study: Health Education (Bulletin 2003, No. 5), and reports published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in developing the minimum required content. In addition, Subcommittee members attended state, regional, and national conferences; read articles in professional journals and other publications; reviewed similar curriculum documents from other states; listened to and read statements from interested individuals and groups throughout the state; used each member’s academic and experiential knowledge; and discussed issues among themselves and with colleagues. Finally, the Subcommittee reached consensus and developed what it believes to be the best possible health education curriculum for Alabama’s K-12 students.

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