Outline of the state of Iowa

Concussion Head Injuries

Concussion Head Injuries

State law addresses concussions/return to play.

Iowa Administrative Code 641-54.3 Return-to-play protocol.

54.3(1) Return-to-play process. Each step shall take a minimum of 24 hours. a. If the student shows signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or other brain injury at any step of the return-to-play protocol, the student must stop the activity and the student's licensed health care provider and parent or guardian shall be contacted. b. If the student shows signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or other brain injury during this process, an additional 24-hour period of rest shall take place. After the 24-hour period of rest, the student shall drop back to the previous level when the student showed no signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or other brain injury and begin the progression again.

54.3(2) Return-to-play steps. Step 1 Athlete has received written medical clearance from a licensed health care provider to begin the return-to-play process, AND the athlete is back to regular activities, including school, without experiencing any concussion signs, symptoms, or behaviors for a minimum of 24 hours. Step 2 Low impact, light aerobic exercise. Walking or stationary cycling at slow to medium pace. No resistance/weight training. Step 3 Basic exercise, such as running in the gym or on the field. No helmet or other equipment. Step 4 Noncontact, sport-specific training drills (dribbling, ball handling, batting, fielding, running drills) in full equipment. Resistance/weight training may begin. Step 5 Full contact practice and participation in normal training activities. Step 6 Contest participation.

Policy Type

Iowa Code 280.13C. Concussions and Brain Injury.

.Removal from participation. a.If a student’s coach, contest official, or licensed health care provider or an emergency medical care provider observes signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or brain injury in an extracurricular interscholastic activity, the student shall be immediately removed from participation. b.A student who has been removed from participation shall not recommence such participation or participate in any dance or cheerleading activity or activity, contest, or practice governed by the Iowa high school athletic association or the Iowa girls high school athletic union until the student has been evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and other brain injuries and the student has received written clearance to return to or commence participation from a licensed health care provider. 6.Return-to-play protocol and return-to-learn plans. a.The department of public health, in cooperation with the Iowa high school athletic association and the Iowa girls high school athletic union, shall develop a return-to-play protocol based on peer-reviewed scientific evidence consistent with the guidelines of the centers for disease control and prevention of the United States department of health and human services, for a student’s return to participation in any extracurricular interscholastic activity after showing signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion or brain injury. The department of public health shall adopt the return-to-play protocol by rule pursuant to chapter 17A. The board of directors of each school district and the authorities in charge of each accredited nonpublic school with enrolled students who participate in an extracurricular interscholastic activity which is a contest in grades seven through twelve shall adopt such protocol by July 1, 2019. b.Personnel of a school district or accredited nonpublic school with enrolled students who participate in an extracurricular interscholastic activity which is a contest in grades seven through twelve shall develop a return-to-learn plan based on guidance developed by the brain injury association of America in cooperation with a student removed from participation in an extracurricular interscholastic activity and diagnosed with a concussion or brain injury, the student’s parent or guardian, and the student’s licensed health care provider to accommodate the student as the student returns to the classroom.

Policy Type