Outline of the state of Massachusetts

Concussion Head Injuries

Concussion Head Injuries

State law addresses concussions/return to play.

105 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 201.010 Exclusion from Play

(A) Any student, who during a practice or competition, sustains a head injury or suspected concussion, or exhibits signs and symptoms of a concussion, or loses consciousness, even briefly, shall be removed from the practice or competition immediately and may not return to the practice or competition that day.

(B) The student shall not return to practice or competition unless and until the student provides medical clearance and authorization as specified in 105 CMR 201.011.

(C) The coach shall communicate the nature of the injury directly to the parent in person or by phone immediately after the practice or competition in which a student has been removed from play for a head injury, suspected concussion, signs and symptoms of a concussion, or loss of consciousness. The coach also must provide this information to the parent in writing, whether paper or electronic format, by the end of the next business day.

(D) The coach or his or her designee shall communicate, by the end of the next business day, with the Athletic Director and school nurse that the student has been removed from practice or competition for a head injury, suspected concussion, signs and symptoms of a concussion, or loss of consciousness.

(E) Each student who is removed from practice or competition and subsequently diagnosed with a concussion shall have a written graduated reentry plan for return to full academic and extracurricular athletic activities.

  • (1) The plan shall be developed by the student’s teachers, the student’s guidance counselor, school nurse, licensed athletic trainer if on staff, neuropsychologist if available or involved, parent, members of the building-based student support and assistance team or individualized education program team as appropriate and in consultation with the student’s primary care provider or the physician who made the diagnosis or who is managing the student’s recovery.

  • (2) The written plan shall include instructions for students, parents and school personnel, addressing but not be limited to:

  • (a) Physical and cognitive rest as appropriate;

  • (b) Graduated return to extracurricular athletic activities and classroom studies as appropriate, including accommodations or modifications as needed;

  • (c) Estimated time intervals for resumption of activities;

  • (d) Frequency of assessments, as appropriate, by the school nurse,school physician, team physician, licensed athletic trainer if on staff, or neuropsychologist if available until full return to classroom activities and extracurricular athletic activities are authorized; and

  • (e) A plan for communication and coordination between and among school personnel and between the school, the parent, and the student’s primary care provider or the physician who made the diagnosis or who is managing the student’s recovery.

  • (3) The student diagnosed with a concussion must be completely symptom free at rest in order to begin graduated reentry to extracurricular athletic activities. The student must be symptom free at rest, during exertion, and with cognitive activity in order to complete the graduated re-entry plan and be medically cleared to play under 105 CMR 201.011.

Policy Type

105 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 201.010 Exclusion from Play

(A) Any student, who during a practice or competition, sustains a head injury or suspected concussion, or exhibits signs and symptoms of a concussion, or loses consciousness, even briefly, shall be removed from the practice or competition immediately and may not return to the practice or competition that day.

(B) The student shall not return to practice or competition unless and until the student provides medical clearance and authorization as specified in 105 CMR 201.011.

(C) The coach shall communicate the nature of the injury directly to the parent in person or by phone immediately after the practice or competition in which a student has been removed from play for a head injury, suspected concussion, signs and symptoms of a concussion, or loss of consciousness. The coach also must provide this information to the parent in writing, whether paper or electronic format, by the end of the next business day.

(D) The coach or his or her designee shall communicate, by the end of the next business day, with the Athletic Director and school nurse that the student has been removed from practice or competition for a head injury, suspected concussion, signs and symptoms of a concussion, or loss of consciousness.

(E) Each student who is removed from practice or competition and subsequently diagnosed with a concussion shall have a written graduated reentry plan for return to full academic and extracurricular athletic activities.

  • (1) The plan shall be developed by the student’s teachers, the student’s guidance counselor, school nurse, licensed athletic trainer if on staff, neuropsychologist if available or involved, parent, members of the building-based student support and assistance team or individualized education program team as appropriate and in consultation with the student’s primary care provider or the physician who made the diagnosis or who is managing the student’s recovery.

  • (2) The written plan shall include instructions for students, parents and school personnel, addressing but not be limited to:

  • (a) Physical and cognitive rest as appropriate;

  • (b) Graduated return to extracurricular athletic activities and classroom studies as appropriate, including accommodations or modifications as needed;

  • (c) Estimated time intervals for resumption of activities;

  • (d) Frequency of assessments, as appropriate, by the school nurse,school physician, team physician, licensed athletic trainer if on staff, or neuropsychologist if available until full return to classroom activities and extracurricular athletic activities are authorized; and

  • (e) A plan for communication and coordination between and among school personnel and between the school, the parent, and the student’s primary care provider or the physician who made the diagnosis or who is managing the student’s recovery.

  • (3) The student diagnosed with a concussion must be completely symptom free at rest in order to begin graduated reentry to extracurricular athletic activities. The student must be symptom free at rest, during exertion, and with cognitive activity in order to complete the graduated re-entry plan and be medically cleared to play under 105 CMR 201.011.

Policy Type

General Laws of Massachusetts 111.222 Interscholastic athletic head injury safety training program

(c) If a student participating in an extracurricular athletic activity becomes unconscious during a practice or competition, the student shall not return to the practice or competition during which the student became unconscious or participate in any extracurricular athletic activity until the student provides written authorization for such participation, from a licensed physician, licensed neurophychologist, certified athletic trainer or other appropriately trained or licensed health care professional as determined by the department of public health, to the school's athletic director.

If a student suffers a concussion as diagnosed by a medical professional, or is suspected to have suffered a concussion while participating in an extracurricular athletic activity, the student shall not return to the practice or competition during which the student suffered, or is suspected to have suffered, a concussion and shall not participate in any extracurricular athletic activity until the student provides written authorization for such participation, from a licensed physician, licensed neuropsychologist, certified athletic trainer or other appropriately trained or licensed health care professional as determined by the department of public health, to the school’s athletic director.

(d) A coach, trainer or volunteer for an extracurricular athletic activity shall not encourage or permit a student participating in the activity to engage in any unreasonably dangerous athletic technique that unnecessarily endangers the health of a student, including using a helmet or any other sports equipment as a weapon.

Policy Type

General Laws of Massachusetts 111.222 Interscholastic athletic head injury safety training program

(c) If a student participating in an extracurricular athletic activity becomes unconscious during a practice or competition, the student shall not return to the practice or competition during which the student became unconscious or participate in any extracurricular athletic activity until the student provides written authorization for such participation, from a licensed physician, licensed neuropsychologist, certified athletic trainer or other appropriately trained or licensed health care professional as determined by the department of public health, to the school’s athletic director.

If a student suffers a concussion as diagnosed by a medical professional, or is suspected to have suffered a concussion while participating in an extracurricular athletic activity, the student shall not return to the practice or competition during which the student suffered, or is suspected to have suffered, a concussion and shall not participate in any extracurricular athletic activity until the student provides written authorization for such participation, from a licensed physician, licensed neuropsychologist, certified athletic trainer or other appropriately trained or licensed health care professional as determined by the department of public health, to the school's athletic director.

(d) A coach, trainer or volunteer for an extracurricular athletic activity shall not encourage or permit a student participating in the activity to engage in any unreasonably dangerous athletic technique that unnecessarily endangers the health of a student, including using a helment or any other sports equipment as a weapon.

Policy Type