Outline of the state of Louisiana

Preventive Health Screenings in HS—BMI

Preventive Health Screenings in HS—BMI

State law addresses body mass index screening or requires height AND weight measurement.

Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:17.5. Physical fitness assessment; statewide expansion program

B. For purposes of the expansion program, the Cecil J. Picard Center, in collaboration with the Department of Educationand the Louisiana Department of Health, shall continue use of the physical fitness assessment instrument used for the pilot program which shall:

  • (1) Be based on factors relating to student health that have been identified as essential to overall health and function, including the following:
  • (a) Aerobic capacity.
  • (b) Body composition.
  • (c) Muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility.
  • (2) Include criterion-referenced Standard specific to a student's race, age, and gender and based on the physical fitness level required for good health.

C. (1) The results of the physical fitness assessment as provided in this Section shall contain summary or statistical data, aggregated longitudinally from pre-kindergarten to the twelfth grade and include any other category deemed appropriate. Such summary results shall contain no personally identifiable information of any student or teacher participating in the program.

  • (2) The physical fitness assessment instrument shall provide baseline measures of fitness and body mass index and subsequent measurement of effectiveness of interventions.
Policy Type

Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:17.5. Physical fitness assessment; statewide expansion program

B. For purposes of the expansion program, the Cecil J. Picard Center, in collaboration with the Department of Educationand the Louisiana Department of Health, shall continue use of the physical fitness assessment instrument used for the pilot program which shall:

  • (1) Be based on factors relating to student health that have been identified as essential to overall health and function, including the following:
  • (a) Aerobic capacity.
  • (b) Body composition.
  • (c) Muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility.
  • (2) Include criterion-referenced Standard specific to a student's race, age, and gender and based on the physical fitness level required for good health.

C. (1) The results of the physical fitness assessment as provided in this Section shall contain summary or statistical data, aggregated longitudinally from pre-kindergarten to the twelfth grade and include any other category deemed appropriate. Such summary results shall contain no personally identifiable information of any student or teacher participating in the program.

  • (2) The physical fitness assessment instrument shall provide baseline measures of fitness and body mass index and subsequent measurement of effectiveness of interventions.
Policy Type

Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:17.5. Physical fitness assessment; statewide expansion program

(1)(a) It is the intention of the legislature to authorize a framework to collect data to assess the status of an expansion program, based upon a pilot program conducted pursuant to Paragraph (2) of this Subsection, that will utilize a health-related fitness assessment instrument to determine the fitness levels of students as a means to impact childhood obesity in Louisiana whereby positive results can be repeated or replicated in schools throughout the state.

(b) It is the goal of the legislature that positive results of such assessment can be used to implement a statewide health-related physical fitness assessment in each city, parish, and other local public school system that provides personalized feedback and positive reinforcement vital to improved health and wellness, academics, and changing behavior, and servesas a source of communication between teachers, parents, and students. It is also a goal of the expansion program to focus on school systems with high levels of poverty based upon the federal poverty guidelines published annually by the United States Department of Health and Human Services

Policy Type