Outline of the state of West Virginia
West Virginia

Limits on Referrals to Law Enforcement

Limits on Referrals to Law Enforcement

State law requires districts to establish formal procedures governing referrals to local law enforcement.

West Virginia Administrative Code 126-99. EXPECTED BEHAVIOR IN SAFE AND SUPPORTIVE SCHOOLS (4373)

Chapter 3 PROCEDURES FOR ADDRESSING ALLEGATIONS OF INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIORS Section 1. Procedures for Reporting Complaints of Inappropriate Behavior School employees are responsible for assuring a safe and supportive school climate and culture. When incidents of inappropriate behavior are witnessed by school staff, the behavior shall be addressed consistently as outlined in this policy. Inappropriate behaviors observed by students or guests must be reported to the appropriate personnel for action to be taken according to county policy. County boards of education shall develop procedures to assure that any person who believes he or she is a victim or witness to a violation of Policy 4373 has an identified mechanism to report the alleged acts immediately to the appropriate official(s) designated by the county. These procedures do not deny the right of any individual to pursue other avenues of recourse which may include filing charges with the West Virginia Human Rights Commission, initiating civil action, or seeking redress under the state criminal statutes and/or federal law. County boards of education shall develop appropriate procedures for investigating, reporting, responding, and determining consequences for the failure of an employee to appropriately respond to violations of Policy 4373, in accordance with W. Va. § 126CSR142, Policy 5310, Performance Evaluation of School Personnel, in a manner that promotes understanding and respect. County boards of education and the WVDE shall develop procedures to assure that any person who believes he or she has been the victim or a witness of religious, ethnic, racial or sexual harassment, or violence by a student, teacher, administrator, or other school personnel toward a student, teacher, administrator, or other school personnel has an identified mechanism to report the alleged acts immediately to an appropriate official(s) designated in county policy. These procedures do not deny the right of any individual to pursue other avenues of recourse which may include filing charges with the West Virginia Human Rights Commission, initiating civil action, or seeking redress under the state criminal statutes and/or federal law. All alleged incidents of harassment or violence observed by faculty or staff must be reported to the appropriate official(s) and appropriate action should be taken as specified in Section 2 of this chapter. Section 2. Procedures for Investigating Allegations of Inappropriate Behavior The county designee shall immediately undertake or authorize an investigation upon receipt of a report or complaint. The investigation may be conducted by school/county officials, or by a third party designated by the county school system. The investigation must, at a minimum, consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and others who may have knowledge of the alleged incident(s) or circumstances within the complaint. The investigation may also consist of any other methods and review of circumstances deemed pertinent by the investigator. When a student is to be interviewed pursuant to a Level 3 or 4 behavior, a reasonable effort shall be made to contact the student's parent or guardian, and invite them to be present during the interview, provided such notification does not compromise overall school/student safety. Parental/guardian notification is encouraged at Level 2 and discretionary at Level 1. The principal shall: • determine whether the alleged conduct constitutes a violation of this policy; • take immediate and reasonable steps to protect the complainant, students, teachers, administrators, or other personnel pending completion of an investigation; and • assure that the investigation will be completed as soon as practicable but no later than ten school days following the reported violation. Upon completion of the investigation: • a report shall be provided to the principal which includes a determination of whether the allegations have been substantiated as factual and whether they appear to be violations of this policy; • the report shall be recorded and filed at the county/school level as determined in county policy; and • the conclusion of the investigation will be reported in writing to the complainant or his/her legal guardian by the principal or his/her designee. Confidentiality of the filing of complaints, the identity of subjects and witnesses, and any action taken as a result of such complaint is essential to the effectiveness of this policy. Only those individuals necessary for the investigation and resolution shall be provided information. Violations of confidentiality may itself be grounds for disciplinary action. County boards of education and the WVDE shall develop procedures following the above guidelines to investigate complaints of religious/ethnic, racial or sexual harassment or violence by a student, teacher, administrator or other school personnel of the county board of education. For the WVDE, the State Superintendent of Schools shall take the place of the Principal. Section 3. Procedures to Prevent Reprisal The county board of education shall develop discipline procedures to take appropriate action against any student or employee who retaliates against any person who reports alleged violations or any person who testifies, assists, or participates in an investigation, or who testifies, assists, or participates in a proceeding or hearing relating to such violations. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment. Likewise, the county board of education shall develop a disciplinary process to take appropriate action against any student, administrator, or other school employee who falsely reports violations of this policy. [...] Chapter 4 PROCEDURES FOR TAKING ACTION ON SUBSTANTIATED INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIORS Section 5. Procedures for Reporting Action on Substantiated Incidents Schools shall accurately track incidents of inappropriate behavior in order to utilize data for school climate/culture improvement efforts and to create documentation to support actions taken to intervene in inappropriate behavior patterns. The WVEIS provides schools with the platform to report all incidents of inappropriate behavior at the classroom level and above. The primary value of this data rests at the school and county level and is necessary for development and monitoring of Policy 4373. All inappropriate behaviors as described in Chapter 2 Section 2, Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4 shall be reported through: • teacher-level documentation of inappropriate behavior leading to interventions, consequences, and/or referrals to the principal; • Principal-level WVEIS data entry of teacher level documentation and administrative disciplinary actions. This data shall be entered by the principal and/or other authorized staff; or • county superintendent-level WVEIS data entry of county board of education actions resulting from expulsion hearings. This data shall be entered by the county superintendent and/or other authorized staff. Incidents of inappropriate behaviors reported into WVEIS in accordance with this policy will be used by the WVDE to comply with federal and state reporting requirements.

Policy Type

West Virginia Administrative Code 126-99. EXPECTED BEHAVIOR IN SAFE AND SUPPORTIVE SCHOOLS (4373)


Section 2. Guidelines for Specific Responses to Inappropriate Behavior

Suspension: The purpose of suspension is to protect the student body, school personnel and property, the educational environment, and the orderly process of the school. Suspension is considered a temporary solution to inappropriate behavior until the problem that caused the suspension is corrected. The length of a suspension should be short, usually one to three school days, but may extend to ten school days.

Policy Type