Outline of the state of Guam
Authorizes schools to refer to law enforcement

Limits on Referrals to Law Enforcement

Limits on Referrals to Law Enforcement

State law authorizes districts to refer students to local law enforcement.

17 Guam Code Annotated 3112.2 Safe Schools Program: School Crime Stoppers.

(3) The School Crime Stoppers Coordinator will forward reports of tips and calls that have led to arrests for crimes to the Guam Crime Stoppers Board of Directors for disposition, in accordance with the organization's current procedures. For infractions or instances where the event is not a criminal activity, the School Safety Coordinator and the School Crime Stopper Coordinator will determine, or make a referral for, the appropriate disciplinary action, or make a referral to the appropriate entity. [...]

(d) Both the School Safety Coordinators and the School Crime Stopper Coordinator will be responsible for determining what appropriate disciplinary action will be taken or referrals will be made to appropriate authorities if what is reported is not a crime. If what is reported, however, is a crime, the coordinators shall forward it to the appropriate authorities for disposition.

Policy Type

SOP 1200-018 Student Conduct Procedural Manual

Procedural manual addresses referrals to the Guam Police Department for violations of the Student Conduct Procedural Manual or Board Policies.

Policy Type