Outline of the state of Alabama

Family Engagement in Local Governance

Family Engagement in Local Governance

State law requires parent or family member representation on school governance councils or in school improvement planning efforts.

Code of Alabama 16-6B-3 Assistance programs.

(b) School strategy. — The State Board of Education shall develop an assistance program for a school in need of assistance. A school in need of assistance shall mean any school which has a majority of its students scoring one or more grade levels below the prescribed norm on the state adopted student assessments. Local superintendents and local boards of education will be expected to make the effort and commit the resources necessary to improve the instructional program for a school in need of assistance and shall be required to budget all funds earned by that school in the cost calculations of the foundation program. Local superintendents and local boards of education are encouraged to use assistance from the State Department of Education, colleges of education, accrediting agencies and other sources. The State Board of Education’s plan for an assistance program shall consist of the following components: (1) The faculty and staff of each school in need of assistance shall engage in a self-study to examine the problem of low achievement within that school and shall develop steps which may be taken to improve student achievement. Parents of students in the schools shall be consulted as part of this self-study. (2) If, after two years, student achievement has not improved, the State Superintendent of Education shall designate a team of practicing professionals to visit the school, conduct a study, consult with parents of students in the school, analyze causes of poor student achievement, and make specific recommendations which shall become a part of a school improvement plan for the succeeding year.

Policy Type