Outline of the state of Montana

Tobacco Free Environments —Vaping

Tobacco Free Environments —Vaping

State law, regulation, or district policy addresses vaping or electronic cigarette use.

Administrative Rules of Montana 37.111.825 Health supervision and maintenance

(5) Smoking must be prohibited during school hours in rooms and any other areas used by children, and no smoking signs must be posted in each hallway, entryway, gymnasium, lunchroom, and restroom, though not in each classroom. Smoking must be prohibited in school vehicles while used by children for school-related functions.

Policy Type

Administrative Rules of Montana 37.113.108 Inspections and enforcement

(1) The department, a local health board and their respective designees may conduct inspections of:

  • (a) enclosed public places to determine if any violation of the Montana Clean Indoor Air Act, Title 50, chapter 40, parts 1 and 2, MCA has occurred; and

  • (b) public school property to determine compliance with 20-1-220, MCA, relating to tobacco use on public school property.

(2) For every inspection conducted, a written inspection report must be made and retained by the agency conducting the inspection.

(3) Any violation of the Montana Clean Indoor Air Act or of 20-1-220, MCA must be reported to the local health board or its designee and the county attorney of the county in which the violation occurred.

Policy Type

Administrative Rules of Montana 42.31.350 Use of tobacco products in public school buildings.

(1) The use of tobacco products in public school buildings referred to in 20-1-220, MCA, applies only to elementary and secondary schools.

Policy Type

Montana Code Annotated 20.1.220 Use of tobacco product in public school building or on public school property prohibited.

(1) An individual may not use a tobacco product, vapor product, or alternative nicotine product in a public school building or on public school property.

(2) (a) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of a tobacco product, vapor product, or alternative nicotine product in a classroom or on other school property as part of a lecture, demonstration, or educational forum sanctioned by a school administrator or faculty member concerning the risks associated with use of a tobacco product, vapor product, or alternative nicotine product.

(b) Subsection (1) does not apply to the use of a smoking cessation product by an employee.

(3) The principal of an elementary or secondary school, or the principal’s designee, may enforce this section.

(4) A violation of this section is subject to the penalties provided in 50-40-115.

(5) For the purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

(a) “Alternative nicotine product” means a manufactured noncombustible product that contains nicotine derived from tobacco and that is intended for human consumption by being chewed, absorbed, dissolved, or ingested by any other means.

(b) “Public school building” or “public school property”:

(i) means public land, fixtures, buildings, or other property owned or occupied by an institution for the teaching of minor children that is established and maintained under the laws of the state of Montana at public expense; and

(ii) includes school playgrounds, school steps, parking lots, administration buildings, athletic facilities, gymnasiums, locker rooms, and school buses.

(c) “Tobacco product” means a substance intended for human consumption that contains tobacco, including cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smoking tobacco, and smokeless tobacco.

(d) “Vapor product” means a noncombustible product that may contain nicotine and that uses a heating element, power source, electronic circuit, or other electronic, chemical, or mechanical means, regardless of shape or size, to produce vapor from a solution or other substance. The term includes:

(i) an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device; and

(ii) a vapor cartridge or other container in a solution or other form that is intended to be used with or in an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product and device.

Policy Type

Montana Code Annotated 50.40.103 Definitions

As used in this part, the following definitions apply:

(3) “Enclosed public place” means an indoor area, room, or vehicle that the general public is allowed to enter or that serves as a place of work, including but not limited to the following:

(k) public schools, as provided for in 20-1-220 and 50-40-104.

(8) “Smoking” or “to smoke” includes the act of lighting, smoking, or carrying a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any smokable product and includes the use of marijuana for a debilitating medical condition as provided for in Title 50, chapter 46.

Policy Type

Montana Code Annotated 50.40.104 Smoking in enclosed public places prohibited — notice to public — places where prohibition inapplicable.

(1) Except as otherwise provided in this section, smoking in an enclosed public place is prohibited.

Policy Type