Outline of the state of West Virginia
West Virginia

Health Education Teaches Skills for a Healthy Life

Health Education Teaches Skills for a Healthy Life

State law requires teaching knowledge, attitudes, and skills for making health-promoting decisions and healthy behaviors.

Code of State Rules 44E Next Generation Health Education 5-12 Content Standard and Objective for West Virginia Schools (252.5)

WVCCRS for Wellness Education promote wellness concepts that build the foundation for health literacy and an appreciation for lifelong physical fitness. Students will learn to adopt healthy behaviors. This is a lifelong process of enhancing the components of health education (physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual and environmental), physical education (movement forms, motor skill development and fitness) and physical activity, an important factor in brain development and learning. The WVCCRS for Wellness Education identify what students should know, understand, and be able to do in practicing skills and behaviors that apply to healthy lifestyles. College- and career-readiness is supported in wellness education as students acquire and further develop self-responsibility, motivation, and excellence in learning as well as life-long commitment to wellness.

Health Education - The goal of health education is to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to lead healthy lifestyles; this is often referred to as health literacy. Health literacy is an important measure of the effectiveness of health education and is critical to ensuring that students have the ability to be healthy throughout their lives. Health-literate people are able to address their own health needs along with the needs of others. They are able to obtain and apply knowledge and skills to enhance their own health and the health of others now and in the future as their needs change throughout their lives

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