Outline of the state of New York
New York
Required for all grades

Physical Education K-12 Curriculum—MS

Physical Education K-12 Curriculum—MS

State law requires middle school PE curriculum.

8 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations 100.4 Program requirements for grades 5 through 8.

(1) Except as otherwise provided herein, all students shall be provided instruction designed to enable them to achieve, by the end of grade 8, State intermediate learning Standard through:

  • (vii) physical education, as required by section 135.4(c)(2)(ii) of this Title;
  • (viii) health education, one half unit of study, as required by section 135.3(c) of this Title;
Policy Type

8 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations 100.4 Program requirements for grades 5 through 8.

(1) Required subjects. During grades one through four, all students shall receive instruction that is designed to facilitate their attainment of the State elementary learning Standard in:

  • (viii) health education, physical education and family and consumer sciences;
  • (a) Instruction in health education shall be pursuant to section 135.3(b) of this Title.
  • (b) Instruction in physical education shall be pursuant to section 135.4(c)(2)(i) of this Title.
Policy Type

8 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations 135.2 General regulations.

(a) All schools under the jurisdiction of the State Education Department shall provide a program of health, physical education and recreation in an environment conducive to healthful living. This program shall include:

  • (1) health and safety education;
  • (2) physical education, including athletics; and
  • (3) recreation.
Policy Type

8 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations 135.4 Physical education.

(ii) Secondary instructional program--grades 7 through 12. All secondary pupils shall have the opportunity for regular physical education, but not less than three times per week in one semester and two times per week in the other semester, taught by a certified physical education teacher, and all such pupils shall participate in the physical education program either:

  • (a) a minimum of three periods per calendar week during one semester of each school year and two periods during the other semester; or
  • (b) a comparable time each semester if the school is organized in other patterns; or
  • (c) for pupils in grades 10 through 12 only, a comparable time each semester in extra class programs for those pupils who have demonstrated acceptable levels of physical fitness, physical skills, and knowledge of physical education activities; ...
Policy Type