Outline of the state of Utah

Communication of Bullying Policy

Communication of Bullying Policy

State law addresses procedures for communicating or disseminating anti-bullying policies to students, parents, and school personnel.

Utah Administrative Code R277-613-4. LEA Responsibility to Create or Update Bullying Policies.

(1) In addition to the requirements of Subsection 53G-9-605(3), an LEA shall:

  • (a) develop, update, and implement policies as required by Section 53G-9-605 and this rule, which shall include a prohibition on:

  • (i) bullying;

  • (ii) cyber-bullying;

  • (iii) hazing;

  • (iv) retaliation; and

  • (v) making a false report;

  • (b) post a copy of the LEA's policy on the LEA website;

Policy Type

Utah Code 53G-9-605. Bullying, cyber-bullying, hazing, abusive conduct, and retaliation policy.

(4) A copy of a policy shall be:

  • (a) included in student conduct handbooks;
  • (b) included in employee handbooks; and
  • (c) provided to a parent of a student enrolled in the charter school or school district.
Policy Type