State Models and Supports—Social Emotional Climate
State Models and Supports—Social Emotional Climate
State law encourages state agencies to develop models and guidance for districts to promote positive social and emotional climate, or requires state agencies to disseminate existing resources.
Idaho Administrative Code Bullying Harassment and Intimidation Prevention and Response.
03. Graduated Consequences. Graduated consequences for a student who commits acts of bullying, harassment, and intimidation shall include a series of measures proportional to the act(s) committed and appropriate to the severity of the violation as determined by the school board of trustees, school administrators, or designated personnel depending upon the level of discipline. Graduated consequences should be in accordance with the nature of the behavior, the developmental age of the student, and the student's history of problem behaviors and performance. Effective date (3-29-17)
a. Graduated consequences may include, but are not limited to: Effective date (3-29-17)
i. Meeting with the school counselor; Effective date (3-29-17)
ii. Meeting with the school principal and student's parents or guardian; Effective date (3-29-17)
iii. Detention, suspension or special programs; and Effective date (3-29-17)
iv. Expulsion. Effective date (3-29-17)
b. The graduated consequences are not intended to prevent or prohibit the referral of a student who commits acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying to available outside counseling services or to law enforcement, or both, pursuant to Section 18-917A, Idaho Code. Effective date (3-29-17)