Outline of the state of Oregon

State Models and Supports—Social Emotional Climate

State Models and Supports—Social Emotional Climate

State law requires state agencies to develop models and guidance for districts to promote positive social and emotional climate.

Oregon Revised Statutes 339.331 Mission; duties; annual report; staff; funding

(1)  There is created the Center for School Safety within the Oregon University System. The mission of the center shall be to:

  • (a)  Serve as the central point for data analysis;
  • (b)  Conduct research;
  • (c)  Disseminate information about successful school safety programs, research results and new programs; and
  • (d)  Provide technical assistance for improving the safety of schools in collaboration with the Department of Education and others.

(2)  To fulfill its mission, the Center for School Safety shall:

  • (a)  Establish a clearinghouse for information and materials concerning school violence prevention and intervention services. As used in this paragraph, “intervention services” means any preventive, developmental, corrective or supportive service or treatment provided to a student who is at risk of school failure, is at risk of participation in violent behavior or juvenile crime or has been expelled from the school district. “Intervention services” may include, but is not limited to:
  • (A)  Screening to identify students at risk for emotional disabilities or antisocial behavior;
  • (B)  Direct instruction in academic, social, problem-solving and conflict resolution skills;
  • (C)  Alternative education programs;
  • (D)  Psychological services;
  • (E)  Identification and assessment of abilities;
  • (F)  Counseling services;
  • (G)  Medical services;
  • (H)  Day treatment;
  • (I)  Family services; and
  • (J)  Work and community service programs.
  • (b)  Provide program development and implementation expertise and technical support to schools, law enforcement agencies and communities. The expertise and support may include coordinating training for administrators, teachers, students, parents and other community representatives.
Policy Type

Oregon Revised Statutes 339.339 Collaboration between center and Department of Education

The Department of Education, in collaboration with the Center for School Safety, shall: (1) Develop recommendations and statewide guidelines designed to improve the learning environment and student achievement and to reduce the dropout rate in the state’s public schools. (2) Identify successful strategies that are used in Oregon and other states to improve the learning environment and student achievement and to reduce the dropout rate. (3) Provide technical assistance to those school districts requesting assistance in reducing the dropout rate.

Policy Type

Oregon Revised Statutes 339.341 Statewide School Safety and Prevention System; rules

(2) The Department of Education shall establish and maintain the Statewide School Safety and Prevention System.

(3) The system required under this section shall consist of the following:

  • (a) Assistance to school districts and education service districts in decreasing acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying and acts of cyberbullying through the implementation of effective prevention programs that:
  • (A) Incorporate evidenced-based, multitiered practices; and
  • (B) Support resiliency building and trauma-informed care practices.
  • (b) Assistance to school districts and education service districts in decreasing youth suicidal behavior through the implementation of effective prevention programs and student wellness programs that focus on early identification and intervention by school safety and prevention specialists, as described in subsection (4) of this section, who:
  • (A) Provide training, outreach and technical assistance related to youth suicidal behavior prevention and wellness;
  • (B) Support coordination between schools and health agencies, including public and private behavioral health providers; and
  • (C) Support school districts and education service districts in the establishment of suicidal behavior prevention programs.
  • (c) Assistance to school districts and education service districts in implementing a multidisciplinary student safety assessment system to identify, assess and support students who present a potential risk for violence to others. Multidisciplinary school safety assessment teams shall be made available to assist each school district and education service district in assessing students who are engaged in violence or who are posing a threat of violence to others. The teams shall:
  • (A) Assess potential danger and identify circumstances and risk factors that may increase risk for potential violence;
  • (B) Develop management and intervention plans in collaboration with community partners; and
  • (C) Connect students and families to community resources and supports.
  • (d) Promotion and use of the statewide school safety tip line established by ORS 339.329. School safety and prevention specialists, as described in subsection (4) of this section, shall work collaboratively with the Oregon State Police to support school districts and education service districts in accessing and implementing the school safety tip line.

(4) The system required under this section shall be supported by school safety and prevention specialists who:

  • (a) Serve regions of this state;
  • (b) Are cross-trained in safety assessments and in the prevention of youth suicide, of acts of bullying, intimidation or harassment and of acts of cyberbullying; and
  • (c) Provide or facilitate training, the development of programs and plans, the coordination of local teams and the provision of ongoing consultation to regional partners, school districts and education service districts.

(5) The State Board of Education, in consultation with the Oregon Health Authority and other representatives of school districts, education service districts, school employees, human services, mental health professionals and law enforcement agencies, shall adopt rules related to the system required under this section.

Policy Type

School Safety Guidance “A Holistic Perspective”

This document mentions the EBISS system in Oregon which aims to reduce misbehavior and promote positive school environments

Policy Type