Early Identification and Referral
Early Identification and Referral
State law encourages or requires districts to implement identification and referral processes to link students and families with needed resources.
Hawaii Revised Statutes 302A-442 Occupational therapy services physical therapy services school health services mental health services psychological services and medical services for diagnostic or evaluative purposes.
(a) The department of health, within the funds available, shall be responsible for the related services of school health, mental health, psychological, and medical services for evaluation or diagnostic purposes, and, within the funds available, shall provide for those exceptional children who need these services and who attend public school in the State.
(b) The department of education, within the funds available, shall be responsible for the related services of occupational therapy and physical therapy for evaluation or diagnostic purposes, and, within the funds available, shall provide for those exceptional children who need these services and who attend public school in the State.
(c) The department of health shall work in cooperation with the department of education to implement this section. The procedures to implement this section shall be in accordance with the rules of the department of health and the department of education.
Hawaii Revised Statutes 321-174 Coordination of services with department of education.
The children’s mental health services team shall cooperate with the schools located in their particular geographic region in identifying and referring for treatment such children or youths in need of mental health services. In conjunction with the children’s mental health services team, the department of education and the department of health shall develop a memorandum of agreement which shall provide for a sharing of responsibilities for the affected agencies and shall include but not be limited to provisions for:
- (1) Accepting referrals from the school counselors and diagnostic teams for evaluation and direct treatment of children and youth suffering from mental and emotional disorders;
- (2) Providing consultation to enable teachers and other school personnel to aid in the identification and screening of children in need of professional mental health services and the services of psychologists, as defined in chapter 465;
- (3) Providing training and education about emotional disturbances of children to teachers, school counselors, and parents;
- (4) Assisting the department of education with mental health services and the services of psychologists, as defined in chapter 465 for handicapped children;
- (5) Developing an ongoing mechanism to assess, document and report to the legislature and the governor unmet needs for mental health services for students in each geographic region; and
- (6) Performing other related services for school personnel, children, and parents.
Hawaii Revised Statutes 321-175 Statewide children's mental health services plan.
(a) Commencing on September 1, 1980, and every four years thereafter, the children’s mental health services branch, on or before September 1 of each four-year cycle, shall develop and present to the governor and the legislature, as well as release for public inspection and comment, a current statewide children’s mental health services plan which shall include:
(1) A survey of the children and youth in the State who are (A) in need of and (B) receiving mental health services showing the total number of such children and youth and their geographic distribution;
(2) Identification of the public and private providers of mental health services to children and youth;
(3) Identification of the criteria and Standard for the treatment to be received by emotionally disturbed or mentally ill children and youth;
(4) A program for the recruitment, orientation, and in-service training of personnel in community mental health services to children and youth, and to allied fields, including participation, as appropriate, by institutions of higher learning, state and local agencies, and other public and private agencies having relevant expertise;
(5) A description of the provisions for prevention, early identification, diagnosis, screening, treatment, and rehabilitation (including, with regard to treatment and rehabilitation, services provided through inpatient, outpatient, and community residential facilities) of children and youth in need of mental health services;
(6) An implementation plan for providing mental health services to all children and youth in the State in each of the above mentioned areas; and
(7) Any additional matters which may be necessary or appropriate, including recommendations for amendment of laws, changes in administrative practices and patterns of organization, and changes in levels and patterns of financial support relating to children’s mental health services.
(b) Prior to the submission of the statewide children’s mental health services plan under subsection (a) to the governor and the legislature, the department of health shall hold hearings on the plan in accordance with chapter 91. There shall be at least one hearing in each county; except that the city and county of Honolulu shall have three hearings in strategic geographic locations to provide the widest exposure of the plan to the population.
(c) Any amendments to the statewide children’s mental health services plan shall be in accordance with chapter 91.
Office of Student Support Services: Student Services Branch
Site provides information on school-based or school-linked mental health promotion and intervention programs, including school-wide prevention, early intervention, and intensive services, which can be delivered via consultations and direct services.