Outline of the state of Louisiana

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Violence Prevention—HS

Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Violence Prevention—HS

State law addresses violence prevention

Health Education Grades 9-12

Demonstrate ways to reduce threatening situations to avoid violence.

Policy Type

Louisiana Administrative Code 28 CXV 2347. Health Education

Health education shall include instruction relative to dating violence. Such instruction shall include, but need not be limited to, providing students with the following information:

    1. the definition of “dating violence;”
    1. dating violence warning signs; and
    1. characteristics of healthy relationships.
Policy Type

Louisiana Administrative Code 28 LIX 309. Requirements

J. In 2010, House Bill 46, Act 321, established that each school year the governing authority of each public school shall provide to students in grades seven through twelve, enrolled in health education, age and grade appropriate classroom instruction relative to dating violence. Such instruction shall include but need not be limited to providing students with the following information:

    1. the definition of "dating violence", which is a pattern of behavior where one person threatens to use, or actually uses, physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse to control his or her dating partner;
    1. dating violence warning signs;
    1. characteristics of healthy relationships.
Policy Type

Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:81. General powers of local public school boards

(1) The governing authority of each public elementary and secondary school shall provide age- and grade-appropriate classroom instruction to all students relative to child assault awareness and prevention. Such instruction shall be limited to education on what constitutes abuse or an assault, and how students may safely and confidentially report to a school official the circumstances surrounding any such abuse or assaults.

(2) Such instruction shall be integrated into the curriculum of an existing required course, such as health education, physical education, or another required course deemed appropriate by the school governing authority.

(3) The governing authority of each public school shall adopt rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of this Subsection. Such rules and regulations shall include a requirement that each public school under its jurisdiction post on its website the number for the child protection toll-free hotline operated by the Department of Children and Family Services to receive reports of child abuse and neglect.

Policy Type

Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:81. General powers of local public school boards

(1) Each school year the governing authority of each public school shall provide to students in grades seven through twelve enrolled in Health Education age and grade appropriate classroom instruction relative to dating violence.

(2) Such instruction shall include but need not be limited to providing students with the following information:

  • (a) The definition of “dating violence”, which is a pattern of behavior where one person threatens to use, or actually uses, physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse to control his or her dating partner.
  • (b) Dating violence warning signs.
  • (c) Characteristics of healthy relationships.

(3) The governing authority of each public school enrolling students in grades seven through twelve shall:

  • (a) At the beginning of each school year, provide instruction to all school employees having contact with students insuch grades relative to the definition of dating violence, dating violence warning signs, and how to properly address suspected or reported dating violence involving students, including but not limited to counseling and notification of law enforcement, and provide information relative to dating violence to the parents of students in such grades.
  • (b) Include in student codes of conduct the definition of dating violence, dating violence warning signs, and instructions for reporting or seeking help relative to dating violence.
Policy Type