Outline of the state of North Dakota
North Dakota

Concussion Head Injuries

Concussion Head Injuries

State law addresses concussions/return to play.

North Dakota Century Code 15.1-18.2-04. Student athletics - Concussion management program - Requirements.

  1. a. The concussion management program must require that a student be removed from practice, training, or competition if:

    • (1) The student reports any sign or symptom of a concussion, as set forth in accordance with this section;

    • (2) The student exhibits any sign or symptom of a concussion, as set forth in accordance with this section; or

    • (3) A licensed, registered, or certified health care provider whose scope of practice includes the recognition of concussion signs and symptoms determines, after observing the student, that the student may have a concussion.

    • b. The duty to remove a student under the conditions set forth in this subsection extends to:

    • (1) Each official;

    • (2) The coach of a student; and

    • (3) Any other individual designated by the school district or nonpublic school as having direct responsibility for the student during practice, training, or competition.

  2. The concussion management program must require that any student who is removed in accordance with subsection 3 must be evaluated as soon as practicable by a licensed health care provider who is acting within the provider’s scope of practice and trained in the evaluation and management of concussion, as determined by the provider’s licensing board.

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