New Mexico
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Mental and Emotional Health—MS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Mental and Emotional Health—MS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Mental and Emotional Health—MS
Health Education K-12 Curriculum—Mental and Emotional Health—MS
State law addresses mental and emotional health.
Health Education Standard Grades 5-8
Mental and emotional health is taught as part of health education.
Policy Type
New Mexico Administrative Code Content Standard with Benchmarks and Performance Standard for Health Education Grades 5-8
A. Content standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention. Students will:
- (2) grades 5-8 benchmark 2: describe the interrelationship of mental, emotional, social and physical health during adolescence;
- (b) grades 7-8 performance Standard:
- (i) analyze the characteristics of peer pressure and its impact on mental, emotional, social and physical health during adolescence in the areas related to sexuality; nutrition; alcohol, tobacco and other drug use; physical activity; personal safety; mental, social and emotional well-being;
- (ii) analyze the impact of family history, cultural values, social systems and environmental influences on mental, emotional, social and physical health during adolescence in the areas related to sexuality; nutrition; alcohol, tobacco and other drug use; physical activity; personal safety; mental, social and emotional well-being;
- (iii) understand how changes during adolescence affect mental, emotional, social and physical health;
- (iv) identify positive stress reduction techniques and the impact on mental, emotional, social and physical health during adolescence;
- (v) analyze patterns of addiction and its influence on mental, emotional, social and physical health during adolescence;
Policy Type
New Mexico Administrative Code Content Standard with Benchmarks and Performance Standard for Health Education Grades 5-8
A. Content standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention. Students will:
- (1) grades 5-8 benchmark 1: explain the relationship between positive health behaviors and the prevention of injury, illness, disease and premature death;
- (b) grades 7-8 performance Standard:
- (i) understand risk factors and their association with health consequences in the areas related to sexuality; nutrition; alcohol, tobacco and other drug use; physical activity; personal safety; mental, social and emotional well-being;
- (ii) understand how healthy alternatives can replace unhealthy behaviors (i.e., abstinence, condom use, other pregnancy prevention methods, selection of healthy food choices, "natural highs," etc.);
- (iii) analyze how personal daily choices can affect future health status;
Policy Type