Outline of the state of Virginia
Required without interagency coordination

Multi-hazard Practice Drills

Multi-hazard Practice Drills

State law requires districts to implement multi-hazard practice drills (e.g., fire, lockdown, active shooter, or evacuation drills) without requiring inter-agency coordination.

Code of Virginia § 22.1-137. Fire drills.

In every public school there shall be a fire drill at least twice during the first 20 school days of each school session, in order that pupils may be thoroughly practiced in such drills. Every public school shall hold at least two additional fire drills during the remainder of the school session.

Policy Type

Code of Virginia § 22.1-137.1. Tornado drills.

In every public school there shall be at least one tornado drill every school year, in order that students may be thoroughly practiced in such drills.

Policy Type

Code of Virginia § 22.1-137.2. Lock-down drills.

In every public school there shall be a lock-down drill at least twice during the first 20 school days of each school session, in order that students may be thoroughly practiced in such drills. Every public school shall hold at least two additional lock-down drills during the remainder of the school session. Lock-down plans and drills shall be in compliance with the Statewide Fire Prevention Code (§ 27-94 et seq.).

Policy Type

Code of Virginia § 22.1-137.3. School safety procedures; emergency situations; annual training

In addition to complying with the requirements for drills set forth in §§ 22.1-137, 22.1-137.1, and 22.1-137.2, each school board shall develop training on safety procedures in the event of an emergency situation on school property. Such training shall be delivered to each student and employee in each school at least once each school year.

Policy Type

Virginia Administrative Code 8VAC20-131-260. School Facilities and Safety.

B. Each school shall maintain records of regular safety, health, and fire inspections that have been conducted and certified by local health and fire departments. The frequency of such inspections shall be determined by the local school board in consultation with the local health and fire departments. In addition, the school administration shall:

    1. Equip all exit doors with panic hardware as required by the Virginia Statewide Building Code (13VAC5-63);
    1. Conduct a fire drill at least twice during the first 20 days of school and conduct at least two additional fire drills during the remainder of the school term. Evacuation routes for students shall be posted in each room; and
    1. Conduct a lock-down drill at least twice during the first 20 days of school and conduct at least two additional lock-down drills during the remainder of the school term.
Policy Type