Outline of the state of Oklahoma

Professional Development for Bullying Prevention

Professional Development for Bullying Prevention

State law requires districts to provide professional development for school personnel on bullying prevention and response.

Oklahoma Administrative Code 210:10-1-20. Implementation of policies prohibiting bullying

(11) The policy shall require the district to establish a procedure at each school for:

  • (A) The investigation, documentation, and determination of all incidents of bullying reported to school officials;
  • (B) Identification and designation of a school official at each school site who is responsible for investigation of incidents of bullying;
  • (C) Reporting the number of incidents of bullying to the State Department of Education; and
  • (D) Determination of the severity of the incident(s) and the potential of the incident(s) to result in future violence.
Policy Type

Oklahoma Statutes 70-24-100.4. School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act - Discipline of child - Prohibition of bullying at school and online – Policy requirements.

A. Each district board of education shall adopt a policy for the discipline of all children attending public school in that district, and for the investigation of reported incidents of bullying. The policy shall provide options for the discipline of the students and shall define Standard of conduct to which students are expected to conform. The policy shall:

    1. Establish a procedure for:
  • a. the investigation, determination and documentation of all incidents of bullying reported to school officials,
  • b. identifying the principal or a designee of the principal as the person responsible for investigating incidents of bullying,
  • c. reporting the number of incidents of bullying, and
  • d. determining the severity of the incidents and their potential to result in future violence;
Policy Type

Oklahoma Statutes 70-24-100.5. Safe School Committees – Model policy.

B. The Safe School Committee shall study and make recommendations to the principal regarding: 3. Professional development needs of faculty and staff to recognize and implement methods to decrease student bullying […] D. The State Department of Education shall:

  1. Develop a model policy and deliver training materials to all school districts on the components that should be included in a school district policy for the prevention of bullying.
Policy Type

Professional Development

Site provides information about professional development opportunities and requirements, including PD on bullying prevention.

Policy Type

Program of Excellence Safe and Healthy Schools

Rubric recommends that schools provide annual professional development regarding bullying prevention, identification, responding, and reporting for all school staff.

Policy Type