Outline of the state of Oklahoma

Professional Development for Cultural Competency

Professional Development for Cultural Competency

State law requires districts to provide professional development for school personnel on cultural competency.

Oklahoma Administrative Code 210:20-19-2. Professional development program

(a) The local board of education shall be responsible for the organization and implementation of the local professional development program.

(b) The professional development program shall focus on developing competencies in the core curriculum areas.

(c) Each adopted plan shall address:

  • (1) A component in outreach to parents, guardians or custodians of students is defined as a program to promote the participation of parents in the education of their children. The component in outreach to parents, guardians or custodians of students includes:
  • (A) Understanding the value of parental participation in the educational process.
  • (B) Developing awareness of the needs and characteristics of their parent population in order to plan effective outreach activities.
  • (C) Developing methods for communicating with parents, designing parental involvement activities, and determining the effectiveness of the outreach program.
  • (D) Identifying appropriate resources to support and/or supplement the outreach program.
Policy Type

Professional Development

Site provides information about professional development opportunities and requirements, including PD on culturally responsive teaching and culturally relevant education.

Policy Type