District of Columbia
Physical Education K-12 Curriculum—HS
Physical Education K-12 Curriculum—HS
Physical Education K-12 Curriculum—HS
Physical Education K-12 Curriculum—HS
State law requires high school PE curriculum.
Code of the District of Columbia 38–824.02. Physical and health education requirements.
(a) Public schools and public charter schools shall schedule physical education classes for all students on a weekly basis, and recess for all students on a daily basis, throughout the school year as follows …
Policy Type
District of Columbia Municipal Regulations 2203 Academic Requirements
2203.3 (b) The following Carnegie Units in the following subjects shall be required:
- English (4.0 Units)
- Mathematics; must include Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra II at a minimum (4.0 Units)
- Science; must include three (3) lab sciences (4.0 Units)
- Social Studies; must include World History 1 and 2, United States History, United States Government, and District of Columbia History (4.0 Units)
- World Language (2.0 Units)
- Art (0.5 Units)
- Music (0.5 Units)
- Physical Education/Health (1.5 Units)
- Electives (3.5 Units)
Policy Type