Outline of the state of Maine
Required for all grades

Physical Education K-12 Curriculum—HS

Physical Education K-12 Curriculum—HS

State law requires high school PE curriculum.

Code of Maine Rules 05-071-127 Instructional Program Assessment and Diploma Requirements

2). The required content areas for each secondary school shall include five content areas of the system of Learning Results as follows: English Language Arts, Health and Physical Education, Mathematics, Science and Technology, and Social Studies.

Policy Type

Maine Revised Statutes 20-A 4721. General requirement

1. Comprehensive program of instruction. A secondary school shall provide a comprehensive program of instruction of at least 2 years in length, which must meet the requirements of this chapter and the parameters for essential instruction and graduation requirements established under section 6209. The program must include instruction for all students in career and education development, English language arts, health education and physical education, mathematics, science and technology, social studies, visual and performing arts and world languages.

Policy Type

Maine Revised Statutes 20-A 6209. System of learning results established

The department shall establish parameters for essential instruction in English language arts; mathematics; science and technology; social studies; career and education development; visual and performing arts; health, physical education and wellness; and world languages.

Policy Type