Adaptive Physical Education
Adaptive Physical Education
State law addresses making PE inclusive, including adapted PE or accommodations when necessary.
Determining Eligibility for Adapted Physical Education
Document for adaptive PE.
Louisiana Administrative Code 28 CI 1303. Adapted Physical Education
Students aged 6 through 21 years:
- a. evidence that the student meets 69 percent or less of the state-identified physical education competencies,using the Competency Test for Adapted Physical Education (CTAPE), for the grade level appropriate to the student's chronological age:
- i. students meeting 45 percent to 69 percent of the competencies shall be identified as having motor deficits in the mild range;
- ii. students meeting 20 percent to 44 percent of the competencies shall be identified as having motor deficits in the moderate range;
- iii. students meeting 19 percent or less of the competencies shall be identified as having motor deficits in the severe range;
- b. corroboration of the motor deficit and the need for adapted physical education provided by the evaluator based upon observation of the student.
Students classified as having Autism, Emotional Disturbance, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Other Health Impairment:
- a. documented evidence that the student is unable to participate in a regular physical education class as a result of autism, a serious emotional disorder, brain injury, or a chronic or acute health condition;
- b. corroboration of the condition and the need for adapted physical education provided by the evaluator, based upon observation of the student.
Louisiana Administrative Code 28 CI 1303. Adapted Physical Education
Adapted Physical Education is a direct instructional service for school aged students with disabilities who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted participation in the vigorous activities of the regular physical education program on a full-time basis. It is also a specially-designed program for children with disabilities aged three through five, who meet the criteria below.
Louisiana Administrative Code 28 CI 1303. Adapted Physical Education
Students aged 6 through 21 years:
- a. evidence that the student meets 69 percent or less of the state-identified physical education competencies,using the Competency Test for Adapted Physical Education (CTAPE), for the grade level appropriate to the student's chronological age:
- i. students meeting 45 percent to 69 percent of the competencies shall be identified as having motor deficits in the mild range;
- ii. students meeting 20 percent to 44 percent of the competencies shall be identified as having motor deficits in the moderate range;
- iii. students meeting 19 percent or less of the competencies shall be identified as having motor deficits in the severe range;
- b. corroboration of the motor deficit and the need for adapted physical education provided by the evaluator based upon observation of the student.
Students classified as having Autism, Emotional Disturbance, Traumatic Brain Injury, or Other Health Impairment:
- a. documented evidence that the student is unable to participate in a regular physical education class as a result of autism, a serious emotional disorder, brain injury, or a chronic or acute health condition;
- b. corroboration of the condition and the need for adapted physical education provided by the evaluator, based upon observation of the student.
Louisiana Administrative Code 28 CI 1508. Pupil Appraisal Handbook. Chapter 13. Special Services.
A. Special services as used in this chapter are included in the term special education, which means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a student with a disability, including instruction conducted in the classroom, in the home, in hospitals and institutions, and in other settings. They include assistive technology when required as part of the student's special education; instruction in physical education (including special physical education, adapted physical education, movement education, and motor development); speech/language pathology services when the service is considered special education rather than a related service; travel training; and vocational education.
- At no cost means that all specially-designed instruction is provided without charge, but does not preclude incidental fees that are normally charged to nondisabled students or to their parents as a part of the regular educationprogram.
- Specially-designed instruction means adapting, as appropriate, to the needs of an eligible student, the content, methodology, or delivery of instruction to address the unique needs of the student that result from the student's disability; and ensuring access of the student to the general curriculum, so that he or she can meet the educational Standard within the jurisdiction of the LEA that apply to all students.
Louisiana Administrative Code 28 CXV 2357. Physical Education
One and one-half units of physical education shall be required for graduation. They may include:
- physical education I and II;
- adapted physical education I and II for eligible special education students;
- JROTC I, II, III, or IV; or
- physical education I (1 unit) and one-half unit of marching band, extracurricular sports, cheering, or dance team
Louisiana Administrative Code 28 CXV 3703. Definitions
Adapted Physical Education--specially designed physical education for those exceptional students for whom significant deficits in the psychomotor domain have been identified according to Bulletin 1508--Pupil Appraisal Handbook, and who, if school-aged, are unable to participate in regular physical education programs on a full-time basis.
Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:17.1. Required physical activity in schools
(2) Suitably adapted physical activity shall be included as part of the individual education plans for students with chronic health problems, other disabling conditions, or other special needs that preclude participation in regular physical activity.