Outline of the state of Hawaii
Limited to prohibitions

Gang Prevention

Gang Prevention

Limited to prohibitions on gang activity in schools.

Hawaii Administrative Rules 8-19 Student Misconduct, Discipline, School Searches and Seizures, Reporting Offenses, Police Interviews, and Arrests and Restitution for Vandalism.

(a) Suspensions exceeding ten school days or suspensions that will result in the student being suspended more than a total of ten school days in any single semester, disciplinary transfers, dismissals, and extension of crisis removals shall be approved by complex area superintendent.

(b) Crisis removals and suspensions of ten school days or less may be approved by the principal or designee.

(c) In determining disciplinary actions, the principal or designee shall consider the intention of the offender, the nature and severity of the offense, the impact of the offense on others including whether the action was committed by an individual or a group of individuals such as a gang, the age of the offender, and if the offender was a repeat offender.

Policy Type

SP 6362: Gangs; Guidelines

Standard of Practice provides guidance for prevention/mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery related to gang-related incidences.

Policy Type