Outline of the state of Oklahoma

Mental Health Supports for Students Involved in Bullying Incidents

Mental Health Supports for Students Involved in Bullying Incidents

State law requires districts to provide counseling, safeguards, or other supportive services to students who have been bullied.

Oklahoma Administrative Code 210:10-1-20. Implementation of policies prohibiting bullying

(C) A strategy for providing appropriate services as necessary for students who are targets of bullying; family members affected by bullying; and perpetrators of bullying. Such services and support may be provided by the school directly or through referrals to other providers and may include, but are not limited to one or more of the following: (i) Counseling; (ii) Academic intervention; (iii) Protection for students who are targets of bullying; and (iv) Any other appropriate services as necessary to: (I) Ensure the safety of all students involved in incidents of bullying; and (II) Prevent further incidents of bullying. [...] (12) The policy shall require the district to establish a procedure at each school which provides, upon the completion of an investigation, that a school may recommend that available community mental health care, substance abuse, or other counseling options be provide to the student, if appropriate. This may include information about the types of support services available to the student bully, victim, and any other students affected by the prohibited behavior.

Policy Type

Oklahoma Statutes 70-24-100.4. School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act - Discipline of child - Prohibition of bullying at school and online – Policy requirements.

A. Each district board of education shall adopt a policy for the discipline of all children attending public school in that district, and for the investigation of reported incidents of bullying. The policy shall provide options for the discipline of the students and shall define Standard of conduct to which students are expected to conform. The policy shall:

    1. Establish a procedure for:
  • a. the investigation, determination and documentation of all incidents of bullying reported to school officials,
  • b. identifying the principal or a designee of the principal as the person responsible for investigating incidents of bullying,
  • c. reporting the number of incidents of bullying, and
  • d. determining the severity of the incidents and their potential to result in future violence;
Policy Type

Oklahoma Statutes 70-24-100.4. School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act - Discipline of child - Prohibition of bullying at school and online – Policy requirements.

A. Each district board of education shall adopt a policy for the discipline of all children attending public school in that district, and for the investigation of reported incidents of bullying. The policy shall provide options for the discipline of the students and shall define Standard of conduct to which students are expected to conform. The policy shall:

    1. Establish a procedure for:
  • a. the investigation, determination and documentation of all incidents of bullying reported to school officials,
  • b. identifying the principal or a designee of the principal as the person responsible for investigating incidents of bullying,
  • c. reporting the number of incidents of bullying, and
  • d. determining the severity of the incidents and their potential to result in future violence;
Policy Type