Alcohol and Drug-use Prohibitions or Restrictions
Alcohol and Drug-use Prohibitions or Restrictions
State law prohibits the sale, possession, or use of alcohol or controlled substances on school grounds or at school-related events.
Oregon Administrative Rules 581-021-0050 Minimum Standard for Student Conduct and Discipline
(1) School district boards shall prepare written rules of pupil conduct and discipline that shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following topics:
- (a) Assembly of students;
- (b) Dress and grooming;
- (c) Motorized and nonmotorized vehicles;
- (d) Search and seizure;
- (e) Attendance;
- (f) Freedom of expression;
- (g) Alcohol, drugs, and tobacco;
- (h) Student records;
- (i) Discipline, suspension, and expulsion.
(2) School district rules pertaining to these topics shall include statements on student rights, responsibilities, and conditions which create a need for these rules.
Oregon Administrative Rules 581-021-0055 Standard of Conduct
(1) Students shall comply with the written rules of the school district board, pursue the prescribed course of study, submit to the lawful authority of teachers and school officials, and conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. (2) Students shall be liable to discipline, suspension, or expulsion for misconduct, including but not limited to:
- (a) Theft;
- (b) Disruption of the school;
- (c) Damage or destruction of school property;
- (d) Damage or destruction of private property on school premises or during a school activity;
- (e) Assault or threats of harm;
- (f) Unauthorized use of weapons or dangerous instruments;
- (g) Unlawful use of drugs, narcotics, or alcoholic beverages;
- (h) Persistent failure to comply with rules of the lawful directions of teachers or school officials.
Oregon Revised Statutes 336.222 District policy and plan; content
In accordance with rules adopted by the State Board of Education in consultation with the Oregon Health Authority and the Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission, each district school board shall adopt a comprehensive alcohol and drug abuse policy and implementation plan, including but not limited to: (1) Alcohol and drug abuse prevention curriculum and public information programs addressing students, parents, teachers, administrators and school board members; (2) The nature and extent of the district’s expectation of intervention with students who appear to have drug or alcohol abuse problems; (3) The extent of the district’s alcohol and other drug prevention and intervention programs; and (4) The district’s strategy to gain access to federal funds available for drug abuse prevention programs.
Oregon Revised Statutes 339.250 Duty of student to comply with rules; policies on discipline, suspension, expulsion, threats of violence or harm, firearms and physical force; student handbook or code of conduct; enforcement of policies
(2) Each district school board shall adopt written policies for the discipline, suspension or expulsion of any refractory student. The policies:
- (a) May allow discipline, suspension or expulsion for conduct that includes, but is not limited to:
- (A) Willful disobedience;
- (B) Open defiance of the authority of a school employee;
- (C) Possession or distribution of tobacco, alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances
Requirements for District Safety, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug and Violence Prevention Plans
This document outlines the requirements that schools most follow regarding drug and violence prevention
Requirements for District Safety, Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug and Violence Prevention Plans
This document outlines the requirements that schools most follow regarding drug and violence prevention