Outline of the state of North Carolina
North Carolina
Includes some components of U.S. Department of Education recommendations

Bullying Harassment and Intimidation Policy

Bullying Harassment and Intimidation Policy

State law requires districts to adopt anti-bullying policies addressing some U.S. Department of Education-recommended policy requirements.

North Carolina General Statutes 115C-238.66. Board of directors; powers and duties

The board of directors shall have the following powers and duties: (12) Policy against bullying. -- A regional school is encouraged to adopt a policy against bullying or harassing behavior, including cyber-bullying, that is consistent with the provisions of Article 29C of this Chapter. If a regional school adopts a policy to prohibit bullying and harassing behavior, the regional school shall, at the beginning of each school year, provide the policy to staff, students, and parents as defined in G.S. 115C-390.1(b)(8).

Policy Type

North Carolina General Statutes 115C-407.16 Policy against bullying or harassing behavior.

(a) Before December 31, 2009, each local school administrative unit shall adopt a policy prohibiting bullying or harassing behavior.

Policy Type

North Carolina General Statutes 115C-407.17. Prevention of school violence

Schools shall develop and implement methods and strategies for promoting school environments that are free of bullying or harassing behavior.

Policy Type