Outline of the state of New Jersey
New Jersey
Addressed, but no formal program

School-based Health Services

School-based Health Services

State law addresses aspects of traditional school-based health services but does not formalize a program to aid in the establishment of clinics or health centers on campus for students.

New Jersey Administrative Code 6A:16-1.1 Purpose.

The rules specify minimum Standard for district boards of education in establishing policies and procedures and in operating programs to support the social, emotional, and physical development of students. Programs to support student development include school health services; physical examinations; intervention and referral services; programs of substance use prevention, intervention, and treatment referral; school safety and security; student discipline; reporting of potentially missing, abused, or neglected child situations; and home instruction and approved alternative education programs. Included in the rules are Standard for the delivery of home instruction and school health services to nonpublic schools.

Policy Type