Outline of the state of Hawaii

Acceptable Internet Use Policies

Acceptable Internet Use Policies

State law requires districts to adopt Internet use policies or to provide instruction on safe Internet use.

Hawaii Administrative Rules 2170 Internet Access Policy

Internet access supports the efforts of the Department of Education and the Hawaii State Public Library System. It enhances educational and research activities, provides a conduit for the transmission and sharing of information, provides access to appropriate national and international resources, and assists in developing the literacy skills necessary in a technology-rich society. In the schools, priority shall be given to student/classroom educational use. The Superintendent of Education and State Librarian are instructed to develop regulations and/or guidelines governing Internet access. Approved: 9/95; Amended: 10/97

Policy Type

Hawaii Administrative Rules 8-19 Student Misconduct, Discipline, School Searches and Seizures, Reporting Offenses, Police Interviews, and Arrests and Restitution for Vandalism.

"Inappropriate or questionable uses, or both, of internet materials and equipment" means when a student is in violation of the Internet Access Policy, Board of Education Policy 2170, amended 10/1997, http://lilinote.k12.hi.us/STATE/BOE/POL1.NSF the department's Internet Access Regulations, Hawaii Department of Education 2170.1 Internet Access Regulations, amended 08/2000, http://www.k12.hi.us/~atr/policy2000/intaccreg.htm and the Network Support Services Branch's Acceptable User Guidelines Department of Education Network and Internet Services, updated 11/29/2004; http://nssb.k12.hi.us for using computers and network resources. Examples of inappropriate or questionable uses of the department's computer and network resources include but are not limited to disabling or bypassing the filters, gambling software, music sharing software, or sexually explicit photographs and pictures that do not support the department's mission and purpose. Copies of these policies are available via the websites listed in the footnotes or may be obtained from school office.

Policy Type