Outline of the state of Missouri

Emergency Operations Plans—Interagency Coordination

Emergency Operations Plans—Interagency Coordination

State law encourages or requires inter-agency coordination as part of initial emergency plan development only.

Missouri Revised Statutes 160.451 Earthquake emergency system to be established for certain school districts

The governing body of each school district which can be expected to experience an intensity of ground shaking equivalent to a Modified Mercalli of VII or above from an earthquake occurring along the New Madrid Fault with a potential magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter Scale shall establish an earthquake emergency procedure system in every school building under its jurisdiction. The governing body of each school district shall request assistance from the state emergency management agency and any local emergency management agency located within its district boundaries to develop and establish the earthquake emergency procedure system.

Policy Type

Missouri Revised Statutes 160.453 Requirements for emergency system - public inspection of system authorized

  1. The earthquake emergency procedure system shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:

(1) A school building disaster plan, ready for implementation at any time, for monitoring the safety and care of students and staff;

(2) An emergency exercise to be held at least twice each school year whereby students and staff simulate earthquake emergency conditions and the procedures for safety and protection to be implemented under such conditions; provided the department of education shall not require any school district to perform more than two earthquake preparedness drills during any one school year;

(3) Protective measures to be taken before, during and following an earthquake; and

(4) A program to ensure that the students and certificated and noncertificated employees of the school district are aware of, and properly trained in, the earthquake emergency procedure system.

  1. Each school district shall make available for public inspection during normal business hours its earthquake emergency procedure system.
Policy Type