Emergency Operations Plans—Interagency Coordination
Emergency Operations Plans—Interagency Coordination
State law encourages or requires inter-agency coordination as part of both initial plan development and review and update procedures.
School Construction Resource Manual
This document addresses threat assessment policies
Utah Administrative Code R277-400-3. Establishing LEA Emergency Preparedness and Emergency Response Plans.
(1) By July 1 of each year, an LEA shall certify to the Superintendent that the LEA's emergency preparedness and emergency response plan has been:
- (a) practiced at the school level; and
- (b) presented to and reviewed by its teachers, administrators, students and guardians, local law enforcement, and public safety representatives consistent with Subsection 53G-4-402(18).
(2) An LEA shall reference the LEA's Emergency Response plan as part of an LEA's annual application for state or federal Safe and Drug Free School funds.
- (a) An LEA's plans shall be designed to meet individual school needs and features.
- (b) An LEA may direct schools within the LEA to develop and implement individual plans.
- (a) An LEA shall appoint a committee to prepare or modify plans to satisfy this Rule R277-400 and Section 53G-4-402(18).
- (b) The committee shall consist of appropriate school and community representatives, which may include:
- (i) school and LEA administrators;
- (ii) teachers;
- (iii) parents;
- (iv) community and municipal governmental officers; and
- (v) fire and law enforcement personnel.
- (c) The committee shall include governmental agencies and bodies vested with responsibility for directing and coordinating emergency services on local and state levels.
(5) An LEA shall review plans at least once every three years.
(6) The Superintendent shall develop Emergency Response Plan models under Subsection 53G-4-402(18)(c).
Utah Administrative Code R277-400-6. Emergency Preparedness Training for School Occupants.
(10) In cooperation with the LEA's local law enforcement agency, an LEA shall:
- (a) establish a parent and student reunification plan for each school within the LEA;
- (b) as part of the LEA's registration and enrollment process, annually provide parents a summary of parental expectations and notification procedures related to the LEA's parent and student reunification plan; and
- (c) require each school within the LEA to publish the information described in Subsection (12)(b) on the school's website.
Utah Administrative Code R277-400-9. Cooperation With Governmental Entities.
(1) As appropriate, an LEA may enter into cooperative agreements with other governmental entities to establish proper coordination and support during emergencies.
- (a) An LEA shall cooperate with other governmental entities to provide emergency relief services.
- (b) An LEA's or a school's plans shall contain procedures for assessing and providing the following for public emergency needs:
- (a) school facilities;
- (b) equipment; and
- (c) personnel.
(3) A plan shall delineate communication channels and lines of authority within the LEA, city, county, and state.
- (a) The Superintendent, is the chief officer for emergencies involving more than one LEA, or for state or federal assistance; and
- (b) A local governing board, through its superintendent or director, is the chief officer for an LEA emergencies.
Utah Code 53G-4-402. Powers and duties generally.
- (a) A local school board shall adopt and implement a comprehensive emergency response plan to prevent and combat violence in the local school board’s public schools, on school grounds, on its school vehicles, and in connection with school-related activities or events.
- (b) The plan shall:
- (iv) provide for coordination with local law enforcement and other public safety representatives in preventing, intervening, and responding to violence in the areas and activities referred to in Subsection (18)(a)
- (d) A local school board shall, by July 1 of each year, certify to the state board that its plan has been practiced at the school level and presented to and reviewed by its teachers, administrators, students, and their parents and local law enforcement and public safety representatives.