Multi-tiered Positive Behavior Supports
Multi-tiered Positive Behavior Supports
State law requires districts to implement school-wide positive behavioral supports or tiered frameworks.
Addressing Student Behavior: A Guide for All Educators
Guide addresses use of positive behavioral supports with tiered interventions to communicate and reinforce behavioral expectations and provide selective and intensive interventions.
MLSS Supplemental Guide for Student Assistance Team 2019
Manual addresses use of positive behavioral supports with tiered interventions to communicate and reinforce behavioral expectations and provide selective and intensive interventions.
Multi-Layered System of Supports (MLSS) 2019
Manual addresses use of positive behavioral supports with tiered interventions to communicate and reinforce behavioral expectations and provide selective and intensive interventions.
New Mexico Administrative Code Definitions
BX. "Response to intervention (RtI)" means a multi-tiered organizational framework that uses a set of increasingly intensive academic or behavioral supports, matched to student need, as a system for making educational programming and eligibility decisions. It is a continuum of school-wide support that contributes to overall comprehensive school improvement efforts. In New Mexico, the RtI framework is called the "the three-tier model of student intervention."
New Mexico Administrative Code Procedural Requirements
E. Student intervention system. The school and district shall follow a three-tier model of student intervention as a proactive system for early intervention for students who demonstrate a need for educational support for learning or behavior.
- (1) In tier 1, the school and district shall ensure that adequate universal screening in the areas of general health and well-being, language proficiency status and academic levels of proficiency has been completed for each student enrolled. If data from universal screening, a referral from a parent, a school staff member or other information available to a school or district suggests that a particular student needs educational support for learning or behavior, then the student shall be referred to the SAT for consideration of interventions at the tier 2 level.
- (2) In tier 2, a properly-constituted SAT at each school, which includes the student's parents and the student (as appropriate), shall conduct the student study process and consider, implement and document the effectiveness of appropriate research-based interventions utilizing curriculum-based measures. As part of the child study process, the SAT shall address culture and acculturation, socioeconomic status, possible lack of appropriate instruction in reading or math, teaching and learning styles and instructional delivery mechanisms in order to rule out other possible causes of the student's educational difficulties. The SAT shall create no undue delay for full initial evaluation to determine eligibility for special education for a student who is identified as homeless or in foster care under the state's foster care system or based on criteria to assess housing stability status under the federal McKinney-Vento Act and the 2015 ESSA Title IV, Part B, due to the high mobility of this specific population group. When it is determined that a student has an obvious disability or a serious and urgent problem, the SAT shall address the student's needs promptly on an individualized basis, which may include a referral for a full, initial evaluation to determine possible eligibility for special education and related services consistent with the requirements of Subsections D-F of NMAC and federal regulations at 34 CFR Sec. 300.300.
- (3) In tier 3, a student has been identified as a student with disability or gifted under the state criteria for giftedness deemed eligible for special education and related services, and an IEP is developed by a properly-constituted IEP team, pursuant to Subsection B of NMAC and federal regulations at 34 CFR Sec. 300.321.
- (4) The department's manual, the student assistance team and the three-tier model of student intervention, shall be the guiding document for schools and districts to use in implementing the student intervention system.
Manual addresses use of positive behavioral supports with tiered interventions to communicate and reinforce behavioral expectations and provide selective and intensive interventions.